Official Trailer for Benyu Born of Ash
Hi there, I'm Katie! Avid bookworm, writer and serial hobby collector from Arizona. I went to grad school for criminology and find that comes in handy forming an ethically complex cast and story.
We are a neurologically diverse household, which further inspires me to create characters who do not fit the conventional mold but challenge readers to normalize the spectrum of human experience.
I spend whatever "free time" exists in this house of chaos collecting hobbies, lifting things, drinking coffee, fighting battles—against a pile of laundry or against Godlings in a fantasy land—and having kitchen dance parties with my husband and four young children.
I believe the true beauty of fantasy is its ability to tackle significant social problems in a creative way.
Keep reading. Keep learning. Keep growing.

Praise for Benyu

explosive plot twists, dynamic characters, and a captivating fantasy

riveting and thought-provoking